10 Principles for Design in the Age of AI

  1. Good design solves an important human problem
  2. Design is context specific (it doesn’t follow history)
  3. Design that enhances human ability (not that replaces human ability)
  4. Good design is discreet (frictionless)
  5. Good design works for everyone every day
  6. Good design is a platform that grows with people’s needs
  7. Good design learns and predicts human behavior
  8. Good design brings about products and services that build long-term relationships
  9. Good design accelerates the adoption of new ideas
  10. Good design removes complexity from life.

In November 2017, I had the opportunity to attend the Aging2.0 conference in San Francisco. I met many people right on the forefront of innovation in Senior Living and Senior Care. Beyond meeting people, they had great speakers around designing, developing, and implementing technologies for this population. This entry is from one of those sessions. I do not claim any ownership over these principles. Yves Behar was the original speaker.

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